Archive for April, 2010

Welcome to

Posted in Admin announcements on April 13th, 2010 by admin – Be the first to comment

ProjectHistory is a digital guide to the graduate-level comprehensive exam experience in American History at American University.

Comprehensive exams can be something of a new experience for incoming graduate students, and ProjectHistory is an attempt to familiarize these students with this aspect of graduate-level scholarship.

It provides an overview of the different comprehensive exams, as well as a basic study guide for each, including maps and relational links.

In addition, ProjectHistory includes information on Outside Fields and Tools of Research, and PDF images of several forms which graduate History students at American University should be made familiar.

 Please note that this site makes no claims regarding the thoroughness or complete inclusion of all materials dealing with the individual comprehensive exams; such a statement would be sheer hubris on the part of the site creator. Instead, a graduate student should seek to use this site as something of a beginning guide, and work closely with both peers and advisors to ensure a more complete comprehensive exam study experience.

To begin using ProjectHistory, just highlight ‘The Comprehensive Exams’ tab above. For more information on what the site has to offer, see the Site Overview in the right-hand column of your screen.